Monday, October 11, 2010

September 16 2010 ** MRI

Thursday was a busy day.  Tammy and I flew in from California at 10 am.  When we arrived home we picked tomatoes for Tammy and got her on her way home to Wyoming.

This afternoon I went for my MRI.  They put a brace type thing on my shoulder, laid me flat on the table and strapped me in.  I asked how long it would take.  She said 30 to 40 minutes.  I was given a headset with the radio station FM 100 playing.  I was given a ball to hold onto, if  I needed to stop I could squeeze the ball.

I figured that if each song was about 3 minutes I would need to listen to 10 songs.  After about three songs I began to feel great pain in my shoulder.  The pain radiated down to my hand.  Finally five songs had played, half way through.  Oh the pain is horrible, I try to think of other things,  I wiggle my toes.  I realize that my shins hurt from all the walking that Tammy and I did in California.  I stretch my shins to take my mind off the pain in my arm.  Seven songs and then it goes to commercials.  How do I figure this out  now?  I start listening to the machine, knowing that it is still working and making alot of noise.  More songs,  I am going to make it!

I hear the machine stop and begin thinking, is someone going to come save me?  What is taking so long?  I can't wait any longer SOO I squeeze the ball.  Help, get me out of here.  She couldn't have come fast enough.  I was relieved to be able to sit up and stretch, however the pain was radiating through my shoulder up my neck and through my head.   I hope to not have to do that again for a really long time.

Now waiting for the results....

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