Monday, June 29, 2009

Another RFA Procedure June 29, 2009

This is Shane, I am at the Huntsman center right now. Theresa recently returned to her room from the surgery recovery area. I realize this is probably a surprise to many of you. It has been very difficult for her to tell many people of the new tumors that we found at the last scan. She would rather be concerned about someone else than have people fretting and worried over her.

The radio frequency ablation was a mild success. There were two tumors. One of them was directly behind a rib and try as he might he was not able to get the needle into the tumor sufficiently to perform the ablation. They deflated the lung and overinflated the lung to see if they could get it away from the rib. They also changed her position but to no avail. The other tumor was ablated but with some bleeding, so she has a chest tube in tonight. They still think she will be able to get the tube out tomorrow and go home tomorrow afternoon.
There is a new procedure they are developing that involves very finely focused beams of radiation. Because it is so focused right at the tumor, they are able to do much stronger doses and in just a couple maybe three treatments they will be able to kill the tumor without all the regular residual side effects of regular radiation. It sounds very similar to the radio frequency ablation but where they don't need to be able to place a needle it may be a possible option.
We do very much appreciate all your faith and prayers. That is what sustains us. We will keep you all posted concerning our progress. We love you all.

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